Here's a quick summary....
Sunday night Dec 16 went to the hospital to get checked for bleeding
Stayed the night and were told we could go home in the morning
However, in the morning Ashly had a little more bleeding
Advised to stay and be induced
Pitocin was started at 10:30am Monday morning
Contractions gradually increased all day as the Pitocin was increased
Unbearable pain from 4:30pm to 8:30pm (great coaching by Adam)
Epidural placed at 8:45pm
10cm dilated at 6am on Tuesday
Began pushing at 6:45 am
Kept pushing
Pushing hard & strong, many different positions (coaches: Adam & Wanda)
10am checked and there was no progress of baby descent
Reevaluated by midwife and doctors
Off to operating room at 10:15am
C-section done at 10:50am
Adam cut cord and announced with tears in his eyes "Ashly, we have a boy!"
The beautiful boy that emerged instantly changed our lives.
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