Friday, December 28, 2007

BRISmas Party

December 25 we celebrated Elijah's circumcision (aka Bris). In Judaism, we circumcise on the 8th day of life. For this ceremony, we have family over to honor this beautiful baby boy.

Welcome Home

We came home on Friday 12/21. It felt so good to walk through the doors knowing we did not need to spend another day in the hospital. Elijah adjusted quickly and we all got enough sleep for once!

Saturday, December 22, 2007


DECEMBER 18, 2007 weighing in at 9lbs 2oz and measuring 21 1/4 inches in length, we happily welcomed ELIJAH MILES COOPER into the world. Our birthing experience did not map out at all what we had in mind and supposedly planned, however, the end result was well worth all the challenges we endured.

Here's a quick summary....
Sunday night Dec 16 went to the hospital to get checked for bleeding
Stayed the night and were told we could go home in the morning
However, in the morning Ashly had a little more bleeding
Advised to stay and be induced
Pitocin was started at 10:30am Monday morning
Contractions gradually increased all day as the Pitocin was increased
Unbearable pain from 4:30pm to 8:30pm (great coaching by Adam)
Epidural placed at 8:45pm
10cm dilated at 6am on Tuesday
Began pushing at 6:45 am
Kept pushing
Pushing hard & strong, many different positions (coaches: Adam & Wanda)
10am checked and there was no progress of baby descent
Reevaluated by midwife and doctors
Off to operating room at 10:15am
C-section done at 10:50am
Adam cut cord and announced with tears in his eyes "Ashly, we have a boy!"

The beautiful boy that emerged instantly changed our lives.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

41 Weeks and still moving

It's cozy, real cozy in the belly which explains why Ziggy is not in a rush to come out. Don't worry, we had a nice chat last night so hopefully soon we'll meet little Z on the outside! Ashly is doing great and taking really long walks to help get things moving and maintain stamina for labor. The hills around Berkeley offer plenty of options to climb steep hills and stunning views of the bay.

Tea Time

There are many things we are doing to create a comfortable environment: classical music, candles, yoga, and Tea! Ashly even comes with her own built in shelf!

Just kick'n back and getting ready for action.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Uncomfortable Humor

Even with the uncomfortableness that occurs towards the end of pregnancy, I am still able to find some humor. Like yesterday, when I was out walking and then running errands around the neighborhood. I kept thinking, "Oh how I can't wait to get home and take off these incredibly uncomfortable pants." Only problem was that once I returned home and took off my pants the uncomfortable feeling remained. It wasn't the pants at was my oversized belly!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


We celebrated the first night of Chanukkah surrounded by miracles. The baby is 39 weeks and continues to grow healthy and strong.

Any day now....the excitement keeps building!!!