Saturday, November 8, 2008

Walk of Life

Here's Elijah figuring out how far he can go on those legs! It's great to watch his facial expressions as he is walking. He shows part excitement that he is actually walking and part wonderment of how it feels for his legs taking him on some wild ride.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"Mama, I'm ready for Obama"

A day to go down in history. Elijah enjoyed his first time to the voting polls. He was very excited to see American flags everywhere. He does get excited quite easily. Here he 1: "ready to vote"; photo 2, "Ahh yeah. Go Obama!"; photo 3: playing Obama a song to victory

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our Little Collector

Elijah absolutely loves being outside and playing. He is usually very busy collecting all kinds of things at the playgrounds we visit. Here is a video of Elijah gathering his pine cones, leaves and such in the dump truck and then moving on to collect more items. It is not shown on the video, but he did manage to get the fireman hat in the dump truck as well and kept on going.